Saturday 4th of July Rianne Makkink introduced a duet presentation by Robbert van der Horst and Noortje Sanders, the 2nd and 1st artist in residence at WaterSchool Utrecht in cooperation with Metaalkathedraal Utrecht.
Robbert van der Horst started his residency in June. With UNBUIL (T/D) he refers to unbuilt architecture in which utopia and dream are the central focus points. At the same time to unbuild is about the dissapearance of buildings and structures by demolition or decay. A project by Waterschool Utrecht about what is not yet and what resolves. There is no such thing as empty space.
Noortje Sanders, the 1st artist in residence studied sound and water. Under guidance of Makkink & Bey she made the podcast series Radio WaterRuis, for children and grownups.
Check out the first episodes of Radio WaterRuis.
Robbert van der Horst Vluchtige bouwwerken
Noortje Sanders Radio Waterruis